Exam Preparation
At StudySpot Vancouver we receive frequent calls from parents where the main referral concern is ‘poor exam results’. As you can imagine, there are many exam preparation reasons a student can end up with poor results on exams. Here are a few of the common ones:
• Poor study habits
• Doesn’t study long enough
• Doesn’t study the right things
• Missing class notes
• Doesn’t manage time well when writing tests/exams
• Weak writing skills
One reason we purposely left off the list is ‘nervousness’. Students often feel that they ‘blank out’ because they are nervous about their tests and exams, but our experience suggests that nervousness and anxiety are rarely the reason for exam underperformance. Usually the breakdown is more related to the way students prepare for exams.
Working with a coach each student will be shown how to effectively study for and write final exams. Students will learn; how to create a study schedule, active study skills for specific types of exam questions, how to know if they are prepared, and exam writing tips and strategies.
Included will be discussions about how the brain learns and retains information.
Collaboratively, the coach and student will utilize these skills and strategies to make sure the student is prepared for their exams regardless of the subject matter. Where possible, the coach can provide content support to help fill in the gaps that may already exist.
What people are saying about us
I would like to thank our coach and your organization for giving my son a great opportunity to improve. He is much more responsible now and understands the importance of working hard as well as how to work and organize himself.
Thanks for your good work with our son – I believe we are starting to see some positive changes and improvements. He seems to have a positive attitude overall and he is getting at his work on his own initiative which is good to see.
Our daughter feels much more confident and on top of her work and comments often about how strong her marks have become. She feels that her sessions with you have been a big reason for the turn around.
Thank you very much for providing such a very helpful facility for my daughter. She has benefited so much from the program, not only for her present situation but I think for life. Your coaches were excellent and they gave her the motivation, guidance, self-confidence and self-esteem that she lacked.
Our coach works hard with our son in helping him approach his academic studies with more maturity, effectiveness and independence. Our son has responded well to his mentors coaching and guidance.