Executive Functioning
Executive function is the set of mental processes that allow us to meet challenges and accomplish our goals. We use it to perform such tasks as planning, organizing, paying attention to and remembering details and controlling our behavior. Obviously, difficulty with executive functioning can have a great effect on academic performance as school demands increase and organizational skills become more important.
At StudySpot Hamilton, we help students by focusing on the executive skills related to organization, and time management. We teach them how to prioritize their work, create schedules and routines, and help them break down large tasks into smaller more manageable chunks.
We also recognize the importance of improved academic skills to address some of the associated challenges of compromised executive functioning such as working memory and sustained attention. Active reading strategies like SQ4R are taught as a means to help students with their comprehension and to maintain their focus while reading. Annotating text and utilizing reference tools allow students to focus on, and process single pieces of information at a time.
Planning skills relating to writing essays and completing projects are important areas of development of a student’s academic skill set. These skills are also life skills that can be applied to all aspects of a young person’s life.
What people are saying about us
I would like to thank our coach and your organization for giving my son a great opportunity to improve. He is much more responsible now and understands the importance of working hard as well as how to work and organize himself.
Thanks for your good work with our son – I believe we are starting to see some positive changes and improvements. He seems to have a positive attitude overall and he is getting at his work on his own initiative which is good to see.
Our daughter feels much more confident and on top of her work and comments often about how strong her marks have become. She feels that her sessions with you have been a big reason for the turn around.
Thank you very much for providing such a very helpful facility for my daughter. She has benefited so much from the program, not only for her present situation but I think for life. Your coaches were excellent and they gave her the motivation, guidance, self-confidence and self-esteem that she lacked.
Our coach works hard with our son in helping him approach his academic studies with more maturity, effectiveness and independence. Our son has responded well to his mentors coaching and guidance.